“Gartner Listed - mobile application security guide”
Security intelligence

Apr 13, 2016

Mobile app security testing carwash?

News came out today of the Department of Homeland Security’s “playbook” for developing secure mobile apps, this includes their “carwash” approach of continuous integration …

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Security intelligence

Apr 6, 2016

HIPAA and mobile security

This is the first in a four part series on the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and mobile app security testing.

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Security intelligence

Mar 13, 2016

PCI-DSS and mobile security

90% of the 100 most downloaded finance and health apps had a minimum of two OWASP Mobile Top 10 Risks after going through mobile app security testing.

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Sep 3, 2015

Why we setup Codified Security

Over the summer the spate of companies being hacked, whether it was Starbucks, Carphone Warehouse, or Ashley Madison prompted us to run an experiment on lean start up principles to see demand for mobile app security testing from the UK’s …

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